
Latest free webinars in homeopathy

Homeopathy has grown in almost every country in the world. Homeopathy, however, has been heavily attacked. The National Health Care system in England has made it difficult to fund homeopathy under pressure from some doctors in England. Other European countries also follow England. Doctors say there is no scientific evidence that homeopathy works and that the NHS of England should not fund these types of operations. Homeopathic doctor referrals in England from GPs have fallen significantly. Homeopathy works differently in different people. Classical homeopathy treats different individuals with different remedies based on their personality type. One person may use one agent to treat a disease, while another could use a different agent to treat the same disease. Homeopathy is curative. It deals with the cause (internal disease or the imbalanced energy) and not the expression (diagnostic symptoms specific to the disease) of the disease. The symptoms are used only as an indication t